Creativ Rise Podcast

Creativ Rise Podcast

Hosted by: Joey & Christy Speers

We are building a world where more creatives succeed while doing what they love. Creativ Rise believes that you deserve to break the creative struggle and it should be simple. The Creativ Rise Podcast gives you the...


186. ADHD - How To Get More Done, Tools To Focus & Why Joey Hired An ADHD Coach

Season #1

Get more done with the Free ADHD Day Planner. In today's episode we cover why ADHD is a superpower, tools to help stay focused as a creative with ADHD and why Joey hired an ADHD coach. Moral of the episode - if you...
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185. Joey's Favorite 3 Jobs As A Photographer & Filmmaker - How He Got Them & What He Learned

Season #1

Here's my 3 favorite jobs over the last decade and why. I break down how I got them and what I learned from them in this episode! Want a free workshop on pricing yourself in the brand or wedding space? We've got you....
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184. True or False Pricing Edition - Are You Leaving Money On The Table As A Photographer or Filmmaker

Season #1

There's a lot of pricing myths us creatives fall into believing - and they can be detrimental to our earnings. Tune in as we cover some of the most common questions about pricing.  BRAND PRICING FREE...
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183. How She Built A $30k/Mo Social Agency In 6 Months, Personal Brand Photography, Hiring Team Members & Business Partnerships w/ Ashley Linnane

Season #1

How to go from feeling stuck and burnt out in your business to doing $30k months consistently with an entirely new business? Ashley from @the.elevated.entrepreneur / @tothebreakroom experienced exactly this. She had a...
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182. Building A Destination Wedding Filmmaking Business, Pricing & Marketing Yourself w/ Sam Battin

Season #1

Want to get paid to travel to your top bucket list locations and take home some cash for shooting while you are there? Destination Wedding filmmaking or photography is a great business model to accomplish that. Today,...
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181. How To Make $10k+/Mo As A Photographer / Filmmaker & Why Retainers Are King

Season #1

Have you ever heard about those creatives who are making $10,000+/Mo and wondering how they could possibly be doing it? Are they shooting with 25-30 clients a month? What if I told you that they may only have 3-5...
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180. How To Build A Referral Network, Why Systems Are Your Bottleneck & How To Overcome The Fear of Pitching w/ Jarod Bleijerveld

Season #1

Wonder how you go from first launching your creative business to doing multi 6 figures as a video & photo creative? This is the ep for you. Meet Jarod Bleijerveld, owner of Union Creative in On, Canada - a real...
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179. How To Respond To Getting Told No When Pitching or Selling As A Creative

Season #1

Ever had a pitch go south? You got a No? No's can fel very difficult - but it's how you respond that determines your future Yes. Tune into today's episode for a few stories on getting told no and some insight on how...
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178. What To Do When You Are In A Slow Season As A Creative

Season #1

Feeling stressed because the workload has died down? Maybe you feel like no matter what you do.. jobs just don't come your way? Today's podcast covers what to do when you are in a slower season. Tune in.  Looking to...
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177. Our Personal Mindset Pitfalls & How You Can Avoid Them As A Creator

Season #1

 There are 2 core mindsets we often associate ourselves with as creatives that are wrong. In today’s episode, we share our personal mindset roadblocks that if not careful, stunt us. This podcast will help you...
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176. How To Handle Bad Client Situations As A Creative

Season #1

Have you ever opened that email or DM and your heart drops into your stomach? A client is angry. Or maybe you scrolled social to find your images being misused in a way you clearly outlined against in your contract?...
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175. Behind The Scenes of Designing & Executing A High End Brand Photo Campaign

Season #1

Most photographers or filmmakers dream of shooting brands that have the bigger budgets to produce full on brand campaigns - but most don't know what goes into pulling one off. In today's episode, Christy breaks down...
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